All the latest news from your friends at Kanosak!
Congratulations to our Kanosak family for all the success they had at Fox Valley Dog Training Club’s Spring agility trial!
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Our February 20 graduating class
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Congratulations to all our Kanosak friends who competed at GDKC in January.
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Congratulations to our latest Advanced Puppy Class graduates!
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Several folks from Kanosak had the opportunity to compete at the Medallion Rottweiler Club Specialty on October 13 and October 14. Congratulations to the whole crew: Cathy Fleury: Psych – 2 UDX legs with 4 placements and OM point in each class Touche – 2 RAE legs with 2 100’s,…
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Psych is only the third VCD for in the history of the Rottweiler breed. The two that went before her were her aunt spirit owned by Kathy and her father Isaac owned by me they both were also breed champions
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Congratulations to our latest CGC Graduates!
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Congratulations to our latest Advanced Puppy Class graduates!
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Congratulations to the August Puppy Class Grads!
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Congratulations to our latest graduates from the Advanced Puppy Class!
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