Canine Good Citizen

Instructor: Dot Wagner

Who the class is for:

Canine Good Citizen is for puppies and dogs who have completed basic obedience training and are ready to be trained for the American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test. This certification is open to both purebred and mixed breeds and does not require the dog to be registered with a kennel club.

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What you will learn:

The class focuses on the ten exercises that make up the CGC test:

  1. accepting a friendly stranger,
  2. sitting politely for petting,
  3. appearance and grooming,
  4. out for a walk,
  5. walking through a crowd,
  6. sit and down on command and staying in place,
  7. coming when called,
  8. reaction to another dog,
  9. reaction to distractions, and
  10. supervised separation.

The CGC test will take place at the final class session. For more information about the Canine Good Citizen program, visit

What to bring:

  1. a collar (of any type) that will not slip over your dog’s head (if your dog decides to back up, for example, he should not be able to back out of his collar),
  2. a 6-foot leash made of leather or nylon ,
  3. non-crunchy food treats, like hot dog slices or bits of cheese, and
  4. a favorite toy.

How to sign up:

Return the Registration Form with your payment to reserve your place in the class.

The Vet Approval Form may be mailed with your registration or brought to the first night of class.

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